
Showing posts from February, 2013

Hello 2013! latest pictures

Taken on my 20th birthday 3 jan 2013 It's a new year, if you have been checking out the blog you would know how much I enjoy playing around with the way i look and taking pictures. This year should be no different. I keep this blog as a place for me to store my images but at the same time it allows anyone who wants to check them out to do so. I enjoy it because I like to look back at pictures i took long time ago to see what i was thinking and how i looked at that time. So i guess you could say this is a visual journal more than anything. I think this year i'm also going to post doodles and other visuals (perhaps different types of media too) that i find interesting to keep a record of those too. one of my favourites discovered how to make puppy eyes using Photoplus software Lookin a bit Asian here this reminded me in someway of the water bending nation from the cartoon Avatar after discovering the puppy eyes i decided to go full anime i really